Electropolishing of Stainless Steel Implants for Stable Functional Osteosynthesis

TitleElectropolishing of Stainless Steel Implants for Stable Functional Osteosynthesis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsOmel’chuk, AО, Yudenkova, IM, Zakharchenko, MF, Bliznyuk, AV
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
A new method for the electropolishing stainless steel for stable functional osteosynthesis has been developed. The polishing of implants was carried out in solutions, based on the ternary system H2SO4—H3PO4—H2O with stepwise decreasing the current density and increasing the orthophosphoric acid concentration. The optimal polishing conditions (current density, solution composition, temperature and duration) have been determined. The developed method improves the quality and mechanical properties of the surface.
Keywordselectrochemical polishing, functional osteosynthesis, implants, stainless steels

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