Utilization of Ni-Cr-Containing Wastes is the Way to Environment Safety

TitleUtilization of Ni-Cr-Containing Wastes is the Way to Environment Safety
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsBondarenko, BI, Sokolov, VM, Yakubovsky, VP, Yurchenko, GD, Bezugly, VK, Golovchenko, VL
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Basis of Innovation Activity
The conditions of formation and properties of fines of Ni-containing wastes in the metallurgical and chemical production had been studied. An evaluation of the ecological influence of such wastes pyrometallurgical recycling is given and the ways of its elimination are ascertained. The different methods of the dust agglomeration for the pellet production had been described. The thermos-chemical analyses of the wastes' utilization process had been carried out with using of the GAS software for evaluation of the elaborated technology influence on environment. The ways for the decreasing of carbon and nitrogen oxides concentration in effluent gases are pointed out
Keywordsferronickel, fines of Ni-containing wastes, pellet, pyrometallurgical processing

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