
Nauka innov. 2013, 9(2):18-21

B.I. Basok, B.V. Davydenko, S.M. Goncharuk
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


Different Variants of Thermorenovation of Enclosing Constructions of Floor Part in the Existing Office Building and Monitoring of Heat Losses During its Protracted Exploitation

Section: Scientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The options of energy-efficient windows and energy-efficient insulation were substantiated. To determine the effect of the material appropriate type on the increase of thermal insulation capability of building enclosing constructions, the resistance thermometers and heat flux sensors were established on their surfaces.
Key words: thermorenovation, enclosing constructions, metal-plastic windows, insulation coating materials.